Friday, February 02, 2007

Balancing Act

OK - so here I am - blogging!

I have been thinking about blogging for about a year ( I have some very persistent friends!) but I never seemed to have the time or energy to do it...and I really didn't know how I could add this to my already hectic life.....


in steps Ali Edwards...well not her in person unfortunately...but her idea about a word for the year...this really hit the jackpot with me...I needed a focus and a new way to live my I chose


As she suggested I looked up some definitions....some bits I liked were....

the power or means to decide


to bring into or keep in equal or satisfying proportion or harmony

and from a quote by Robert a balanced life - learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work everyday some.....

So now I am trying to achieve balance in all aspects of my life....and it is amazing how much calmer I feel knowing this is how I am going to approach the year ahead!

I am slowing down to make sure that I give my full attention to what is on hand at the moment...playing with my daughter, talking to my husband, time for myself, creative time, catching up with friends and family or what ever -

AND to really live in the moment...and not rush thinking of all the things that "need" to be done!

And to make sure the time I am allocating to all the different aspects of my life is balanced...

So with that in mind I have decided I can manage a blog...( so long as I do not write and so here I am!

Thanks for dropping in!

Hope you have a fabulous day!


Megan said...

It's working now Lis!!!


Anonymous said...

My goodness you gorgeous individual! About time too!

The blog is fantastic, the title Memories Contained is beautiful.

We all started out with absolutely no idea... dont worry, your Saturday afternoons will never be the same again. Staring at your template and scratchng your head will, from now on, be a hobby too.

Good luck Lissy!

Libby xxx

Sharon Manning said...

Yay we can be virgins together! Yes it's about time Lis. Don't worry it's not as daunting as you first think.

Balance - might have to take that on board myself.

Take Care.


Rach H said...

wooohooo you did it!!!!
welcome to the bloggy

Anonymous said...

We have only been nagging you for a year and a bit lol!

So glad to see you in blogland Lissy!

"Grendel" said...

yay - another scrapper to spam!

Alli said...

just ignore him

Janelle Wind said...

Hi Lissy,

Yipeee!!! I was secretly hoping you would have a blog one day - now I can visit you regularly and share your creativity... Welcome to the world of blogs

x Janelle