Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Pirate Soup....

OK so any parent of a young child is working on the vegetable thing....tonight I though I'd make some broccoli soup...I told E we were making Pirate she helped blend it in the processor, stir in the cream and then add the cheese...and then she ate it! YAY!!! I think lots of cheese helped! I said tomorrow we would have Fairy Soup...that might just otherwise be known as Pumpkin I can think of something else!

We met up with mum, my sister and youngest nephew at Sticky Beaks in Kings Park today for a play as they are down from the farm for a few days....the kids had a is a great playground! And the cafe is good!
And that is it...not much else worthy of reporting at the moment! Have come to a bit of a creative stand still at the moment but sure to jump back into scrapping again soon! I am supposed to be making curtains for E's room too....Hope all is well where ever you are - Lissy


Melissa Goodsell said...

LOL love that - pirate soup!
Such cute action shots here too Lissy, they are sooo cute!

Alli said...

good work on the soup Lis.. last night Riley wanted to know what the round things were in his soup and where were the noodles, I told him the pearl barely was liitle round noodles and he ate 3 bowls!

Megan said...

Oh I bet you were just the best teacher too Lis! What a great idea...Pirate Soup. Might have to try it myself!

Love the photos too....E is just so incredibly cute!

Megan xx

Jen said...

That is a great idea - Pirate soup. We used to have "rabbitt potatoe" which was brocolli and potatoe mashed together or "orange" potatoe in our house, which was potatoe and pumpkin mashed together, of course pumpkin was never eaten on its own. Take care Jen