Saturday, December 08, 2007


Here he is...the rabbit E has made for the baby...pretty amazing effort I think! E did the cutting, I stitched it up...we both turned the bits. She then did most of the stuffing...And then put on the finishing touches...including buttons and a scarf....I was going to make felt eyes etc but she wanted to draw them on!

Ben has been working on the new dog needs is about the size of a regular backyard! I am still here and making see post below and you could win one!

E is off with friends to take the train into town and see Father Christmas! She is VERY excited! Ben is off painting and I am having a nap as feeling very average! Lissy


Melissa Goodsell said...

oh maybe the baby is coming if you are feeling average...oh getting all excited here now!
The rabbit is SO gorgeous SO colourful and SO beautiful...what a gorgeous big sister she is already Lissy.

Megan said...

Look at Farmer Ben! And E looks like she is having a ball....she is creative and talented just like her mamma.

Megan xx