Wednesday, May 12, 2010

two and a half...

Today Morganne is two and a half...she has had such an explosion of language lately that she is getting quite good at speaking in sentences and adding lots of new words to her vocabulary...She tells everyone "mine Morganne" meaning I'm Morganne...Morganne's language is more developed than Evangeline's was at the same age...which we now know was because of Evangeline's poor hearing due to recurrent ear infections...she can differentiate size like big and little and big and bigger...

She is very chatty when she is role playing with her dolls and toys...Morganne is quite funny sometimes when she says with great animation " I like it!" but she also comes out with "It stinks" a lot...usually referring to food I have put in front of try no to take it personally!

Some favourite things to say...I like it...I not like it...It stinks...Not ready...Careful more...stop and uh-oh...and mine which means me...and peeeeeeeeeeeze...when she wants something! She cannot yet say Evangeline so calls her Shesheen...

I am finding these pictures every where...
And she loves cutting and gluing so there are bits of paper everywhere too...

She does not have many daytime naps now...and loves Playschool and Maisy Mouse...

And this is the Mother's day card she made at playgroup...
She is quite delightful...Lissy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

she looks delightful too ☺