Monday, March 07, 2011

this long weekend...

We have had a long weekend here...Ben has been off at a Benchrest competition all weekend...he has a national competition in April to go to so needs to get some practice in...

Mum has popped in a couple of times over the weekend...and mostly the girls and I have been hanging out...yesterday we watched several episodes of Little House of the Prairie together...

And the girls have been busy...making creative messes mostly...

Morganne want to join in when Evangeline is on the I gave her a mouse with no batteries...she is happy!

And I have been finishing my retreat classes and working with Chief and Bella a bit...they are both very food focused animals!

Bella managed to get into Chiefs yard this morning at feed time...she is getting too fat so gets no extra feeds...Chief is a bit skinny so trying to feed him up....He is the boss but quite happy to let her munch on his took quite a lot to catch her and get her out! 

Then this afternoon Chief heard me come out side and started neighing loudly and trotting up to see me...looking for his evening feed I think...

And I finished my layouts for the Retreat classes...and that is mostly it for our weekend...Lissy

1 comment:

Gigga said...

Glad that I have finally found someone else who enjoys LHOTP.... I have got just about every episode on DVD and it is a favourite thing for mum and I to watch when we can... Are we geeks or what??? LOL