Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Well I have been thinking of taking photos of everyday happenings around the house...and today I did...
E did her own hair this morning... and for some reason she wanted a jumper on...and Morganne sitting by the window this morning...I shall try and do this each day but we shall see how it goes! I think I will make an everyday mini album for each of the girls...with a photo a day for 30 days...maybe a bit ambitious but we shall see...might manage if I keep it really simple!

Not much else happening here today...E did go collecting dinosaur rocks...shall post about that tomorrow maybe...she had a very involved story to go with it!

My sister and family were here for lunch...

It hot here again...39C tomorrow...and it has been very hopefully Morganne is asleep and I can sleep too - Lissy

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