Wednesday, September 10, 2008

sneak peeks...

OK - here are some sneak peeks of the layouts I am teaching at the retreat next month...

Scrappin’ Outback Wave Rock Scrapbooking Retreat
17th – 19th October 2008

Sharon Manning
and Gayle Smith are the other fabulous tutors

And there is a shop onsite where I always stock up as Karen has a huge range of goodies!

Contact Karen Smith on
98751021 or 0427977672
Or email
for booking, details and prices.

I am not good at taking sneak peek photos but it will give you some idea...

First is the Schools In class...since each year we get more school portraits we need a new layout! This is a one page layout with pockets for certificates and one for a class list...there will be other colour combinations offered to suit various school uniforms!

And the next class is Out & About, a double layout for travel or holiday is focusing on using 8 - 10 regular 6x4 photos...this one is in girlie colours but I will be doing other samples using photos from the Kimberley region and so such to give you more colour ideas and options using different papers...And of course you could adapt this to birthday photos or anything really!

I am using 3 new Basic Grey paper ranges - Ambrosia, Offbeat and Eva...all gorgeous and so I am going to be doing some bonus layouts for each range (and instructions to go with them) using each kit to give you some more ideas...
So hopefully a good range of boy & girl orientated layouts for you...stay tuned for more sneak peeks as I finish the other layouts! Lissy

1 comment:

Gigga said...

Hi Lissy
WOW!!! The layouts look fantastic.. Can't wait to see them
and I am so glad that you are going to be there..