Monday, February 14, 2011

a few busy days...

We have had a few busy days around here...Evangeline has been skating again and tried blades and liked them. She has learnt to skate backwards, turn and JUMP! eeeeeeeeeeeek!

Ben has been busy building a car trailer...I have been scrap booking...
And I have been riding Chief...

I am trialling him on the owners property but he is so nice I think I will buy him and bring him home soon! I have started learning Parelli Natural Horsemanship and trying it out on Chief...You start with 7 "games" that you play with the horses to teach them to move where you want them and to establish your dominance in the partnership...not in a mean way as it is supposed to be a partnership...but it is actually about safety...if a horse perceives you as more dominant in the herd then they will move out of your way and so on....
Evangeline rather liked Chief too ...

Mum has been over on the weekend and we went out for dinner...

Evangeline wanted to learn cross stitch so Mum has started teaching her...
And that is about it for now... and Morganne starts school on Wednesday...Lissy

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