Sunday, July 18, 2010

women like to shop...

So I have discovered that women really like to shop...for themselves!

The market went quite well yesterday...I didn't sell out or make I did learn a lot! Evangeline came to help me set up!

A few people bought scarves for children...but mostly it was women buying for themselves...

I had discovered that although they are scarves are actually great to wear! I had a brooch but they actually sit ok by themselves due to the soft knit fabric...

A nice accessory that didn't hang down and get in the way...I felt very comfortable all dressed up my tee shirt and pants without feeling too "frilly"as I am not a frilly or girly person!

I was wearing this...and had plenty of positive comments on it all day...And my mannequin thingy was wearing this...
So all the grey scarves (which I almost didn't make!) sold, the few brown ones I had, plus dark red and orange were popular too!

So now I have SO many ideas for new scarves...for women! Mainly becuase I have ideas of what I would like to wear!

I am going to venture into etsy soon too!

And I am researching to see that my ideas are not already being created and sold by someone else! So far mine are different but if you think not please let me know!

Stay tuned...Lissy

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