Sunday, October 17, 2010

tooth fairy...

And now for the visit from the tooth after Evangeline sobbed her self to sleep over the lost tooth...

She was up before 6 am and delighted to find the tooth fairy had been to water (current favourite colour) and fairy dust left behind...And $2 and some is not an expensive bracelet but the tooth fairy will add a little charm for each tooth lost! Bargains from ebay...And a tiny wee letter complete with stamp and wax came with a magnifying glass as you need it to read it!From the tooth fairy herself saying how well Evangeline was looking after her teeth and that they positively sparkle! And still a couple of days later she doesn't like to hear the word tooth as it makes her sad!! Lissy


Sharon Manning said...

E has one very special tooth fairy!

Erica Reese said...

Interessting thoughts