We are off to friends for a Sunday Roast tonight...Ben flew to Broome and then was choppered out to a rig this morning...Well I hope you have had a great weekend - Lissy
She can sit up fine now and is trying to get moving but she cant quite get her leg around but I am sure she will in a week or so!
She is such a happy content little baby...so when she is grizzly I know she really is not feeling very well! M has just started throwing things over the side and watching them fall! We have yet to get the sleeping thing sorted...as M is still waking once or twice a night for a feed...but we will get there...If I can get her eating more in the day we might be right! She is 69cm long and 9.52 kg...(E was about 72 cm and 8.9kg at the same age)...Morganne's Size 0 clothes are getting too small so we are progressing onto size 1...Her eyes are definitely looking like they will be brown or hazel...and her hair is getting lighter...looking at photos the two girls look quite different...Evangeline loves being a big sister and will happily entertain Morganne...she said a couple of weeks ago that she is glad we had another baby so she has someone to play with! E is growing up too...She decided she didn't need any of her blankies for bedtime (muslins) anymore so got them out and put them all in M's room! But she did want one back at night time! Here is Evangeline at 8 mths...we didn't have a very good camera then... E was crawling and pulling herself up on furniture at this age...
Yesterday Evangeline had Eden over to play after school....I was too busy chatting to Simona to take any photos but they had a great time! I hope your week has started well - Lissy