Thursday, January 01, 2009

a new year...

Happy New Year...2009...Mum stayed last night and we all spent the morning out in the garden, weeding and mulching everything...the retic wasn't working while we were away at the farm so it was all look pretty sad...especially my vegetables...Morganne had a snooze in the pram...Then the heat chased us all inside...Morganne is pretty please with herself these days as she can climb into the chairs...And she loves music...
Evangeline is as chirpy as ever...
And look I took a decent photo! I was holding Morganne at the time so it was a blind shot...and I love it!
E and mum had a swim...then everyone but me managed a nap...I am packing for a short trip up to Dongara to Ben's parents beach house! We were supposed to go yesterday but Ben decided it was too hot! Well happy new year all - Lissy

1 comment:

Alli said...

have a good trip and happy New year!! see you next week :)