Wednesday, May 30, 2007

in my garden... is the wrong time of the year... but look what has come up in the no not the
My sister and one nephew are here for a couple of days from the E and Ike are having a fabulous time playing...
There was lots of laughing going on...and this is what they were laughing about....These two really love each other and they have such a great time together!

My friend Liz had a baby boy yesterday...Oscar Michael...a little brother for Charlie! Congratulations Liz and Alan...and my friend Susan was one of the doctors! How great is that!

Hope you are having a good week - I am supposed to be clearing out junk....but as you can see I am procrastinating! - Lissy


Megan said...

Ouch!!! Those pegs surely must have hurt a little bit lol!

Love your garden piccy clever little thing!

Megan xx

Anonymous said...

LOL what a crackup that peg photo is!!
Those bulbs that have popped up look beautiful,