Monday, May 21, 2007

simple scrapbooker.....

I have decided I am a simple scrapbooker...I occasionally do something more wowee but generally my pages are pretty clean and simple...I am not good with putting lots of stuff or embellishments on the page...I tend to like my photos in similar positions...I love to use photo corners, chipboard or plastic lettering and decorative tape...I tend to use handwriting and word strips for journalling...I love patterned paper and scalloped paper....sometimes I add a bit of stitching...I like everyday photos and to record everyday moments...and that is about it for the bulk of my pages...and I am rather happy with that...that's me...that is my style...

There are so many local aussie, kiwi and US scrappers that I admire...for all sorts of reasons...probably mostly because they do things that I do not! And this variety is talk about all who inspire me would take FOREVER...

Anyway I managed a few layouts between entertaining E and having Ben and E play chasey around the house and through my studio! And then there was nothing on TV that interested me...I am still trying to scrap some photos printed out a year ago!!

I am totally in awe of how Carole has the patience to cut out some many flowers and make them look so fabulous on the page...I can only cut out a few simple flowers like on the page below (I have been thinking about meeting her this week hence the cut out flowers page!)
And because I am missing these girls :)
And lastly had a visit yesterday from a girl, Sarah, who I used to life with many moons ago...and her two kidlets...she bought me this very cute juicer....E keeps asking to "squeeze melons"!!!
And so that is about it for this Monday - Lissy


Chris Millar said...

Your work is always beautiful Lissy!!! I hope you do get to meet Carole this week, you'll love her and she'll love you too!!

Julie said...

Great pages Lissy. I too love Carole's work with flowers and hope to catch up with her while she is in Perth.

Megan said...

Just beautiful work Lis - I'm more the simple type too and love what you do :-)

Megan xx

Anonymous said...

I LOVE you artwork Lissy - always have, so on my very long of inspiration is your name!

And after looking at your beautiful layout of KiwiScraps I think we need to get Megan some glasses :)

Once a year is not enough.

Rach H said...

hello just slacko me!!
I love your work too + to see it irl is even better!!.....your LO's are full of sweet + cuteness like you + E!!
lovin all those LO's too!!!

Anonymous said...

i love your work Lissy, it is always so full of love. omg how cute is that knickers photo, lol.

Mel Diener said...

I ADORE your simplish style Lissy, your work is always fresh, crisp and inspiring.

Alli said...

I'm not adding anything else otherwise you will get a big head. :)

Judy said...

Ditto Alli - but...
i started simple went complicated then artsy fartsy which needs simplicity. I guess i do what i feel is right at the time, much like you i suppose.