Tuesday, May 22, 2007

tinkering around.....

Today I have been pretty productive! We had swimming this morning and then I have done some washing and so on....not so exciting....

Then we spent an hour or so out in the garden...pulling out some weeds and plants and putting in some seedlings and stuff....E and her little friend Lara picked them out the other day so I thought we should plant them...and some seeds....have no idea if they will grow! E loves gardening! Nice autumn day here so good to be outside for a while!

and best of all today...Ben had his oral exam for his Chief Mates ticket today and PASSED!YIPPEE...next it is his Master One...Well Done Ben! For those who do not know Ben is a Ship's Officer...driving ships and stuff in the off shore oil industry. His plan is to become a Pilot one day...hopefully in Fremantle! I think a meal out is in order tonight!

And gee you girls have been leaving such lovely comments on my last post! THANKS...so very nice :)

Yesterday E had dance again and Ben came along to watch...it is so hilarious watching these 3 year olds trying to wiggle and walk and skip and so on...I had tears running down my face! E is pretty excited as she is the leader for the skipping part in one of the dances!
I am thinking I must go to Spotlight and stock up on felt...Mel is making such cute little felt toys and houses and things...E loves the little rabbit she sent to me...and they would make such cute birthday gifts for little girls :) And big ones!

Lastly I have been doing some pages...but cannot share them yet...boy pages...eeek...I have been thinking about what Kim Archer would do to get me inspired...so sanding, painting and distressing stuff!! These techniques seem to work so well on boy pages...Anyway I hope to do some more scrapping for me soon! My favourite kind of scrapping...no strings attached! Hope you are having a good Tuesday! Lissy


Anonymous said...

Goodluck with your little felt house Lissy, I can't wait to see a pic when it's done :O)
Love the photos, how cute is that little dancer!

Megan said...


That is great news Lis! Onward and upward for him, hey?!

Love the photos of E....she's a scream.

Megan xx

Sharon Manning said...

Yay Ben!!!!!! Big congrats.

Did you pick the orange noodle for E so it would co-ordinate with the teachers Rashie? Clever Girl.

I love your style of scrapping Lissy and I think it's wonderful that you are very aware of what that style is. I wish I was!

Can't wait to see the boy pages you are working on.
Have a great day.

Mel Diener said...

I've been having STACKS of trouble with commenting here lately Lissy, it's not the google thingo that everyone else has problems with, it's the comment screen itself grr...keeps coming up as can't find this page. So, if I'm only commenting on every second or third post, that is whyOK lol.

Big HUGE congrats to Ben, that's fantastic news!!!!

Alli said...

yayyy Ben well done!

sounds like the rural life is agreeing with you Lissy!

see you tonight!! yippeeeeeeeeeee