I read an article about being a relaxed parent...and they mentioned a book called something like "
chilled out parenting"...the gist of it all was slowing down and enjoying being a parent...and spending time with your kids...
When Ben was home last we started
family time...from 3pm until bed time...time for us to do stuff together as a family as well as cook tea, give the kids a bath and get them to bed...and I think this is a good thing...we have plenty of time when Evangeline is at school to get our stuff done so surely we can give time to her and Morganne (and the dog!)...a few hours each day...when we focus on them...and we actually
play with them...and it does mean things are more relaxed as there is less we are trying to do...and it means we share the parenting load...someone does tea while someone baths the kids...
When Ben is away I do it all by myself but I really appreciate the help when he is home...little things make a big difference...especially since he is gone 5 - 6 weeks. He gets home late next week...yay! It has been a long 5 weeks so far! One week to go...When he is away I try to do less so just the essentials get done as I get very tired...especially if we have a few bad nights...Ben is doing shifts on the boat too of about 6 hours I think...
So we will hopefully keep family time happening when Ben gets home and try and do a few things like go down to the park to play, take the dog and baby for walks (now the weather is a more pleasant 30 C most days!) and so on...One thing is for sure he will notice a huge change in Morganne after 6 weeks!
So today we have done not much...just hanging about the house...and I have spent time with Evangeline and Morganne...

They have had fun together today...I love this photo of them laughing at each other!

and mum came over for lunch...

and that is about it...E made up some songs tonight so we had a little performance before bedtime!

And E is counting the sleeps until daddy is home! Me too...5 to go! I have done no scrap booking...but some cleaning up in my scrap room...still working on the whole clearing out and re-arranging thing...so I have cleaned up my counter where I scrap...putting all the paper and bits away...and wishing I was at the retreat in Hyden getting some scrapping done...oh well! I hope to be teaching and scrapping again at the next one in October!
daylight saving is OVER!! YIPPEE...it just doesn't work here...it is too hot...when the temp is peaking at 5 or 6 pm in summer that is crazy...especially this summer when we have so many days over 35C ....so yippee the clocks go back an hour tonight...so I guess we will be up at 5 am tomorrow...more adjusting to do!
Did any of you turn off the lights for Earth Hour? I did...although I did have the TV on as the only show I watch all week is Doc Martin on ABC on saturday night...
Anyway hope you are having a good weekend! Lissy