Tuesday, February 15, 2011


After school today we went to Morganne's classroom for her orientation meeting...
She has already been for visits last year during play group but today was just a meeting with Ian her teacher to show her around the classroom, where to put her bag, where the toilet is and to do a couple of jobs, including how to put your chair back too!
She starts tomorrow and I think she will love it!

Only one new child starts on any given day so Ian can spend the whole morning with her doing jobs and helping her settle in...

She is in Jacaranda Class which is the same children's house (ages 3-6) that Evangeline was in...but with a different teacher...as is the Montessori way she will be in the same classroom for three years with the same teacher...

So we are embarking on a new learning journey in our family... Lissy

1 comment:

Sharon Manning said...

Oh my goodness she looks so grown up. Wasn't she just born yesterday???????